Welcome Ronald McDonald Family Room Intern Kate
June 20th, 2017 | News
Hi there! I am Kate Stram, the new intern at the Ronald McDonald Family Room located in St. Mary’s Hospital in Madison. The Ronald McDonald Family Room is where parents of sick children can go to rest and regroup, while staying close to their child. It offers multiple sleeping rooms, a kitchen, a library, a laundry room, and much more.
Volunteering has always been a huge part of my life. Since middle school, I have been involved in various clubs and organizations that offered volunteering opportunities in my community. While in college, I have had some very rewarding experiences. One example is that I traveled to Nicaragua for two weeks on a health mission trip. This involvement immersed me into a different culture where the patients had unique relationships and backgrounds. I had the privilege of working with families to help them with their differing problems, increasing my awareness and sensitivity. I have since been able to apply these traits each week that I go in to the Ronald McDonald Family Room.
My time as a volunteer at the Ronald McDonald Family Room started in February of 2016, when I was a sophomore at UW-Madison. In the fall, I will be a senior at UW-Madison and will continue to work on earning my bachelor’s degree in Human Development and Family Studies, along with a certificate in Global Health. I then hope to go to graduate school to become a Physician’s Assistant.
It is a great honor to be a part of the caring, kind, and hardworking team here at RMHC-Madison! One of my tasks as the intern in the Ronald McDonald Family Room is leading bi-weekly projects. These projects include planning events, seeking donations for the events, and advertising in the NICU and Pediatric Units. In addition to this, I am recruiting and helping train new volunteers. I will also attend quarterly Family Involvement Council meetings with NICU staff and parents.
I am grateful to be given this opportunity and am excited to learn and grow this summer!
Click here for more information on the Ronald McDonald Family Room at St. Mary’s Hospital in Madison.