Cooking Up Love this Holiday Season
December 17th, 2021 | Our Partners
The world may remember the pandemic as a time people turned inward. Social distancing, isolation, and remote environments certainly played a role in that. Yet at RMHC-Madison, our lens has been quite different. Not only have we been devoted to keeping our doors open but have experienced an outpouring of support from people steadfast in their commitment to help us do just that.
Throughout this pandemic, we have observed unbelievable goodness.
Heartfelt reunions helped many of us get through the past year. This week, RMHC-Madison had a meaningful reunion of its own. At the beginning of the pandemic, a sudden and profound loss was the volunteer meal groups. Suspending this program put our House in a precarious situation to feed guest families who often rely on this essential comfort. It is more than just a service; it is a lifeline. In March 2020, we secured emergency funds to purchase meals from local restaurants and caterers, having little idea that it would be a year without volunteers.
During that time, former UW Badger and Denver Bronco Troy Fumagalli reached out to help our House as well as local restaurant Naples 15, which became a second home to many Badgers during the holidays. Salvatore DiScala and his restaurant became an important bridge to feeding our families in those critical months. Now, 18 months later, Fumagalli, DiScala, former Badger Jack Cichy, and a team of amazing friends returned to make dinner in our reopened kitchen. What a treat for our families!
The stunning state-of-the-art kitchens (thank you SubZero!) are the heart of the House. Volunteers are now back five days a week to prepare home-cooked meals for families. It has also become a space for local chefs from Longtable, Everyday Kitchen, and Frostwood Farms Kitchen to share their culinary talents. Look for opportunities in the new year for your business, organization, or friend group to get involved with our relaunched Cooking up Love program for a unique culinary experience.
This holiday season, special thanks goes to several other organizations and businesses like Metcalfe’s, Cosa Boutique, Keva Sports Center, Levy Giving Fund, BMO, and The Burish Group at UBS for making RMHC-Madison their charity of choice or supporting a food or giving drive to make the lives of our families more comfortable this season.
Volunteers made sure the halls are decked for the holidays. The House and Family Room are overflowing with beauty and heartfelt gifts. Inside our four walls, there is an abundance of love and support. At RMHC-Madison, we don’t see people turning inward, we see them showing up and giving back. What a wonderful thing to be part of!
Happy Holidays from your friends at RMHC-Madison.
Hear more on this story on Channel 3000.