Volunteer Spotlight: Making all the difference
July 24th, 2017 | News
What volunteers, like Hannah, do for the House and the families that are staying with us is invaluable. The day-to-day things like providing transportation to and from the hospital, cleaning guest rooms, packing lunches, checking families in and out, and maintaining the kitchen are all supported by our volunteers. However, it’s the little things they do that make our House a home and mean so much to our families. A smile from a volunteer after a long day at the hospital, a cup of coffee, a tissue to dry their eyes, or a listening ear is what can make all the difference to a family dealing with the sickness or injury of their child.
Thank you, Hannah, for helping us make the Ronald McDonald House a home for more than 1,200 families each year. Meet Hannah Strike…
How long have you been volunteering at RMHC-Madison?
October 2016.
How did you initially get involved with us?
My friend Katie is a Friday night volunteer. She introduced me to the Ronald McDonald House and all the amazing work that it does. When I learned that there was a need for a Thursday night volunteer, I was sold!
What is your favorite thing about volunteering here?
My favorite part about volunteering is seeing and hearing the comfort that RMHC provides to the families that pass through. Whether it’s something as simple as a hot meal or a bed to sleep in, it means the world to these families and allows them to spend more time with their children.
Do you have a favorite memory with RMHC?
I have loved every minute of getting to know fellow volunteers and RMHC employees. It is truly a community effort that keeps the House running smoothly and it is an honor to be a part of it.
What types of things have you done while volunteering for RMHC-Madison?
Dinner clean-up, van rides, cleaning rooms, packing gift bags, organizing the pantry, making lunches, etc.
Tell us something about we don’t know.
I am a small-town girl from Illinois with a finance degree.
What would you say to someone who is considering becoming a volunteer?
If you join RMHC, you will never regret it. Not only do you get to work with some incredible people, but you will get the chance to make a difference in many lives.