Volunteer Spotlight: Deb Wrolstad
April 24th, 2018 | News
Ronald McDonald House Charities of Madison volunteers are essential to delivering our mission of creating and supporting programs that enhance the health and well-being of children and their families. Without volunteers, we would not be able to do what we do. This month we are celebrating one of our new volutneers… congratulations Deb Wrolstad and thank you for all you do!
1. How long have you been volunteering at RMHC-Madison? Started in December 2017 .
2. How did you initially get involved with us? I contacted the House Director, Tara Hensley, and told her I wished to volunteer my time working at the House.
3. What is your favorite thing about volunteering here? Helping the families!
4. Do you have a favorite memory with RMHC? Watching a family, after staying with us for five months, get the word that they finally got to go home. Everyone was so excited.
5. What types of things have you done while volunteering for RMHC-Madison? Check families in and out, office duties, tours, getting dinner ready, clean up afterwards, cleaning, and cleaning rooms… every day is different.
6. Tell us something about you we don’t know. I have three adult children that were adopted from the Philippines. Going to their birth country and spending time at the orphanage was an experience I will never forget.
7. What would you say to someone who is considering becoming a volunteer? DO IT! It’s a very rewarding experience. The people you work with are awesome. There are some people who have volunteered here for 10-20+ years. Now that says a lot!
If you are intersted in volunteering at RMHC-Madison, please visit our website for details, https://goo.gl/VJdpdH.